![Gallery[13e9]](http://images.twibright.com/tns/lvl2/13e9.jpg) |  | Overall view
We are going to build a holder: | |
Quoin template If you
have exact printer, print out these three templates and glue the appropriate
one on your 100x100 steel section.
Expanded quoin templates
Aiming Gauge
- If you have accurate printer, print out this template, glue on a tin, and
cut or chisel out.
- If not, measure the gauge manually. The number indicate width of the
part in millimeters.
Purpose of aiming gauge
- It is for checking minimum, maximum and starting compression of the rubber
aiming blocks.
- Lead of the M8 screw is 1.25mm. The useful range is 6mm or 4.8 turns.
Plate template
- If you have accurate printer, print out this template, otherwise jump to
the next box ("Drill out the plate").
- The template is for 4 identical plates, you need only one for a holder
- The gap between the templates is suitable for a saw, too.
- Cut out the template and glue on the 90x8(10,12) flat steel
Blocks template
- If you have accurate printer, print out this template, otherwise jump to
the next box ("Drill out the plate").
- The template is for 4 identical plate block and 4 identical cross blocks,
you need only of each for a holder.
- The gap between the templates is suitable for a saw.
- Cut out the template and glue on the 25x25 square bar
![Gallery[1ce5]](http://images.twibright.com/tns/lvl1/1ce5.jpg) |
Drill out the cross and plate blocks. |
Rubber block drilling
Drill 8.5mm hole in each rubber block excentrically,
with center 10mm from the edge. Use 9.5mm or so drill bit.
Bang the blocks with a big hammer along the edges to bulge them out to cancel
out possible convexity of the sides.
Grinding burrs Grind the area around holes with emery
paper flat so that there are no burrs (they could creep under the bolt preload
with time). |
Parts to be washed and painted
- Quoin
- Plate
- Cross block
- Plate block
- Fill a bucket with hot water and add detergent, for dosage see the bottle
- Throw all pieces with templates into the bucket and let the templates soak
Use emery paper to remove noncohesive rust from pieces
where templates weren't used.
- Wash parts to be washed plus parts already in water in the bucket using
a brush or sponge to get rid of all grease
- Place everything wet on a rag and dry with hairdrier while turning
- Now remove noncohesive rust from pieces where templates were used.
Critical zones
Critical zones for Plate are on the picture (from both sides).
The remaining pieces have them:
- plate block where plate will be attached (8.5mm holes)
- plate block where cross block will be attached (10.5mm holes)
- cross block where plate block will be attached (10.5mm holes)
- cross block where console will be attached (10.5mm holes)
- quoin where heel will be attached (6.5mm holes)
- quoin from inner side around the four 8.5mm holes
Assemble the holder. Mirroring is insignificant (the holder can be
cofigured to accomodate particular situation). The 3D model shows
intermediate stage of assembly, the photo final assembly.
![Gallery[13e9]](http://images.twibright.com/tns/lvl2/13e9.jpg) |
Keep the rubber blocks, 3 M8x50 bolts
and 3 M8 jam nuts for future mounting.