Ronja Twibright Labs

Ronja Models

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Ronja Tetrapolis
Provides 10Mbps full duplex on RJ45 interface (needs manual full duplex setting). Range of 1.4km with 130mm lenses and 900m with 90mm lenses. Transmitter 625nm LED diode, optics made from loupes, output power 17mW.
Ronja Inferno
Like Tetrapolis, but infrared (invisible). Nominal range is 1.25km with 90mm transmitter, 130mm receiver and loupe lenses.
Ronja 10M Metropolis
Provides 10Mbps full duplex on a full duplex AUI interface. The distance is 1.4km with 130mm lenses and 900m with 90mm lenses. The transmitter is a 625nm LED diode, output power 17mW and the optics is made from loupes.
Ronja Benchpress
Not a communication device. An optical measurement bench for transmitter gains.
Model comparison table
ModelLight InterfaceApprox. divergence half angle
Metropolis Red AUI 2 mrad
Tetrapolis Red UTP (RJ45) 2 mrad
Inferno Infrared UTP (RJ45) 3 mrad
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