Ronja Twibright Labs

About Ronja 10M 90mm Tubular Head

The Tubular Head is a cylindrical hollow tin piece with a hood. It is suitable for containing Ronja 10M Reciver or Ronja 10M Metropolis Transmitter. It's optics is a loupe lens. The lens is heated. Mechanical interface is holder heel, which is configurable (three positions are available, in the front, middle and rear of the tube).

For electircal interface, 8-terminal wire nut is prepared inside the tube and four soft grommets suitable for sealing the cables are pepared. The optical head is prepared (if correctly installed) to withstand long-term effects of rain, moisture, dew, fog, snow, and sun without an interrruption of network service.

The head is suitable for delivery of 10Mbps full duplex connectivity over 700m when used with Ronja 10M Receiver and Ronja 10M Metropolis Transmitter.

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