General requirements
- 1 PC
- 1 full duplex AUI card or 2 AUI network cards without full duplex
requirement and
1 Half Duplex Reduction (HDR)
- A mirror
- Networking operating system
Measurement conditions
Ensure there is only a dim lighting in the room. Otherwise, the measured
value may be reduced. |
If you have full duplex network card and Linux where
C programs can be installed, then perform
the Bertest variant.
- Otherwise, if you have full duplex card,
perform the ping variant
which is much less exact.
- Otherwise perform the half
duplex ping variant, which is like the previous, but requires
Half Duplex Reduction (HDR).
Evaluation of packetloss
There should be practically no packetloss. Any packetloss indicates that
something is wrong with the electronics. |