Ronja is an optical datalink 10Mbps full duplex over 1.4km:
![Gallery[ea8]]( |
Backing up network links
In the picture you can see a WiFi link, where Ronja has been installed afterwards to increase quality of the link:
- Reliability was improved, because the devices back up one another. WiFi can fail anytime due to interference or
bugs in firmware of the WiFi devices. Ronja fails only in fog and all it's intelligence is stateless, so cannot hang
up or start behaving erratically.
- Throughput was improved, because normally Ronja is being used, which runs 10Mbps full duplex. Only in case of fog,
the WiFi takes over.
- Roundtrip was improved. In normal operation, Ronja runs with virtually zero roundtrip even under full load
(9.75 Mbps of pure IP traffic in one direction and at the same time another 9.75Mbps in the other).
Backing up only selected links
On the left you see a Ronja installed together with a WiFi access poin (AP).
Ronja is often used for backing up only selected network links, like AP-AP links, and
leaving the leaf nodes running over WiFi. This has the following benefits:
- Number of Ronja devices necessary is reduced
- The benefits of star topology at the AP are conserved
- Ronja is efficiently exploited on links, where lot of traffic is aggregated (all clients of
AP together).
![Gallery[79f]]( |
Backing up whole star topologies
Here you see 6 Ronjas installed in one place, implementing a star topology.
Ronja operates in point-to-point mode only. Nevertheless it's possible to install it as backup
even on links that come together in a star topology: just larger number of devices is used.
This brings the full-blown benefits of Ronja to the whole network: excellent throughput of
9.75Mbpf of pure IP traffic in both direction at the same time, and virtually zero roundtrips.
![Gallery[732]]( |
Backing up using OSPF
Ronja can be easily mixed with other network technologies without
constraints. Backup Ronja links can go by completely different path than
existing network, in this picture WiFi. OSPF protocol is then suitable for
taking care of automatic re-routing of the data in case of failure.