Hand tools
- Old toothbrush
- Hand-washing brush (not mandatory)
- A small (roughly 30mm wide) paintbrush, preferrably angled
- Wire cutting pliers
- Wire stripping pliers
- Wire bending pliers
- Tin bending pliers
- Tin scissors
- 2 7mm wrenches
- 2 10mm wrenches
- Allen wrench for the M6 bolts if you have Allen head
- Philips or plain screwdrivers suitable for the self-cutting screws
- Screwdriver, 3mm
Measuring tools
- Ruler
- Hard-metal tip stylus or awl
- Slide gauge (recommended)
- Square (recommended)
- Calculator
- Pencil
- Pair of compasses
- Marker pen for non-porous material with 0...1mm thick trace
- Multimeter (ohmmeter)
Working tools
- A small, sharp cold chisel (roughly 15mm wide)
- Hammer
- Metal cutting handsaw
- Electric drill up to 10.5mm drill bit diameter.
- Optionally a jig saw
if you want to cut the front
cap the mechanized way.
- HSS drill bits: 4.1mm, 4.3mm, 7.0mm, 8.5mm, 10.5mm
- HSS drill bit suitable for predrill for the self-cutting screws
- HSS drill bit suitable for through-hole for the self-cutting screws
- Soldering iron
- Big vice
- Drill stand (recommended)
- File or something rough to remove burrs
Household items
- Floor washing bucket
- Floor washing brush or sponge