Test selection matrix
Select test type here
| Select your device here
Tetrapolis or Inferno | 2x (Tetrapolis or Inferno) | Twister or Twister2 | 2x (Twister or Twister2) | Metropolis | 2xMetropolis | AUI Forte | 2x AUI Forte
Bit Error Rate measurement
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
Packetloss measurement
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
| measure
Noise Equivalent Distance measurement
| measure
| <- do each device separately
| not applicable
| not applicable
| measure
| <- do each device separately
| not applicable
| not applicable
SNR(*) difference measurement
| measure
| <- do each device separately
| not applicable
| not applicable
| measure
| <- do each device separately
| not applicable
| not applicable
Duty cycle preemphasis test
| test
| <- do each device separately
| not applicable
| not applicable
| test
| <- do each device separately
| not applicable
| not applicable
*) SNR=Signal to Noise Ratio
Extra tests:
Explanation of test types
| Test type | Explanation
Noise Equivalent Distance measurement | The received signal goes weaker with increasing distance between transmitter and receiver. NED is the distance at which the received signal
has the same strength as the noise generated in the receiver. This is the actual measure of the range of the system, independent from user's requirements on transmission
SNR difference measurement | SNR is Signal to Noise Ratio. It's ratio between signal received by receiver to noise generated in the receiver. But the signal strength and noise
level is depending on frequency: the signal path is frequency dependent and the
noise spectrum is frequency dependent as well. Therefore the SNR will be
different for 10MHz and 5MHz which are the two fundamental frequencies of the
data transmission. SNR difference says how much it differs and therefore shows
an approximate picture how much the signal gets deformed on the way.
Duty cycle preemphasis test | The LED is running close (red) or very close (infrared) of it's maximum speed. It has generally different time necessary
to turn on and turn off. If this difference weren't compensated, the difference would have the same effect as permanent noise in the signal and would reduce range.
There is a circuit in the transmitter which compensates the difference, but the setting is different for every piece of LED and transmitter. Therefore the circuit has to be
adjusted to obtain maximum performance. This test reveals whether the setting is at the optimum point or not.
Bit Error Rate (BER) measurement | This tells the probability that a bit gets flipped during the transmission through the system. It indicates whether the device
is working properly or not.
Packetloss measurement | Similar to BER measurement, but depends on packet length. Indicates whether the device is working properly or not, and can be performed
on wider variety of platforms than BER measurement.
This is just for completeness.