- NE 592 DIL-14
Reichelt Elektronik Germany 2017-05-05 in stock,
0.82 EUR
- NE592N14G Arrow 2017-05-05 12'659 in stock, $0.79
- NTE927D - an NE592 equivalent - at Vetco, 2017-05-04: 67 in stock, $1.82
- NTE927D - an NE592 equivalent - at Master Electronics, 2017-05-05: 13 in stock, $2.38
- uA733CN - an NE592 equivalent - at Newark, 2017-05-04: 31 in stock, $1.13
- uA733CN - an NE592 equivalent - at RS, 2017-05-04: 7 in stock, £0.83
- NTE927 - an NE592 equivalent, needs some knowledge of reading datasheets to reassign pins and reorient the chip - at Newark, 2017-05-04: 38 in stock, $12.16
BF908, BF998
Crystal oscillator 16 MHz DIL-14
- Farnell 2017-05-05 14 in stock, £4.89
UK, Worldwide
Czech Republic
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