Open source production of anhydrous sodium carbonate from sodium bicarbonate
- Anhydrous sodium carbonate, fine powder
- Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
- Aluminium foil
- Baking oven
- Airtight container for storage
- Set oven to at least 200 degC
- Make kinda tray from aluminium foil and put sodium bicarbonate in a layer
- Put into oven
- Leave in oven for at least 40 minutes from the time when the oven
reached 200 degC
- Take out. The foil is ao thin it won't burn your fingers.
- Wait for cool down and immediately fill into airtight container
Verification of method
According to theoretical calculation by molecular mass, the baking soda
should shrink to 63.1% original weight. I did a test at 200 degC and after 10,
20 and 30 minutes it shrank to 80.6%, 63.6%, and 63.3%, respectively.