set terminal postscript portrait enhanced color solid set output set title "BFR90 longitudinal stability" set ylabel "Impedance [Ohm]" set xlabel "Frequency [MHz]" set key bottom right set grid mxtics mytics xtics ytics set logscale x set mytics 5 set mxtics 10 plot "sim/" using ($1/1e6):2 title "Interstage Real worst" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):3 title "Interstage Real best" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):4 title "Power Real worst" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):5 title "Power Real best" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):6 title "Interstage Imaginary worst" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):7 title "Interstage Imaginary best" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):8 title "Power Imaginary worst" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):9 title "Power Imaginary best" with lines