set terminal postscript portrait enhanced color solid set output set xlabel "Frequency [MHz]" set key bottom left set ylabel "Impedance [Ohm]" set title "Current Source Output Impedance" set grid mxtics mytics xtics ytics set logscale xy set mxtics 10 set mytics 10 set multiplot set size 1,0.5 set origin 0, 0.5 plot \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):2 title "Real" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):3 title "Real 10nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):4 title "Magnitude" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):5 title "Magnitude 10nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):6 title "Magnitude 270nH" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):7 title "Magnitude 470nH" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):8 title "Magnitude 1uH" with lines set origin 0,0 unset logscale y set mytics 4 set yrange [-500:2500] set xrange [1:] replot