set terminal postscript portrait enhanced color solid 10 set output set xlabel "Frequency [MHz]" set key bottom right set ylabel "Impedance [Ohm]" set title "BFR90 Stability In Clipped State Off Transistor Real Part Of Impedance" set logscale x set grid mxtics mytics xtics ytics set mxtics 10 set mytics 2 set multiplot set size 1,0.4 set origin 0, 0.6 set yrange [0:1600] plot \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):2 title "C" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):3 title "B" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):4 title "E" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):5 title "C with resonator" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):6 title "B with resonator" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):7 title "E with resonator" with lines set size 1, 0.3 set origin 0, 0.3 set title "On Transistor No Resonator" set key bottom center unset mytics set yrange [-600:800] plot \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):8 title "Real C" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):9 title "Imag C" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):10 title "Real B" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):11 title "Imag B" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):12 title "Real E" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):13 title "Imag E" with lines set origin 0, 0 set title "On Transistor With Resonator 50 MHz 2pF 5uH 600 Ohm" plot \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):14 title "Real C" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):15 title "Imag C" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):16 title "Real B" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):17 title "Imag B" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):18 title "Real E" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):19 title "Imag E" with lines