set terminal postscript portrait enhanced color solid set output set xlabel "Frequency [MHz]" set key bottom left set ylabel "Gain [dB]/Phase [10 deg]" set title "Worst Case (fT, beta) 2N3904 Pimped Amplifier Frequency Response" set grid mxtics mytics xtics ytics set logscale x set ytics 1 set mytics 2 plot "sim/" using ($1/1e6):2 title "Gain 30-0-0p" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):3 title "Gain 100-10-390p" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):4 title "Gain 440-42-200p" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):5 title "Gain 1000-100-82p" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):($6/10) title "Phase 30-0-0p" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):($7/10) title "Phase 100-10-390p" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):($8/10) title "Phase 440-42-200p" with lines, \ "sim/" using ($1/1e6):($9/10) title "Phase 1000-100-82p" with lines