set terminal postscript portrait enhanced color solid 9 set output set xlabel "Frequency [Hz]" set ylabel "Impedance [Ohm]" set title "Impedance of 100pF-1uF ceramic capacitors" set logscale xy set grid xtics mxtics ytics mytics set mytics 10 set mxtics 10 set key right set multiplot set size 0.5,0.5 plot \ "sim/" using 1:6 title "100pF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:7 title "330pF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:8 title "1nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:9 title "10nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:10 title "100nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:11 title "1uF" with lines set origin 0.5, 0 set title "Impedance of 100nF+3x1uF ceramic capacitors" plot \ "sim/" using 1:2 title "100nF+3x1uF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:6 title "100pF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:7 title "330pF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:8 title "1nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:9 title "10nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:10 title "100nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:11 title "1uF" with lines set origin 0, 0.5 set title "Impedance of capacitor pairs" plot \ "sim/" using 1:2 title "100nF+3x1uF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:3 title "100nF+1uF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:4 title "10nF+100nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:5 title "1nF+100nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:6 title "100pF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:7 title "330pF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:8 title "1nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:9 title "10nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:10 title "100nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:11 title "1uF" with lines set origin 0.5, 0.5 set title "Impedance of 5 capacitors together 100pF-1uF" plot \ "sim/" using 1:12 title "100,330pF+1,10,100nF+1uF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:6 title "100pF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:7 title "330pF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:8 title "1nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:9 title "10nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:10 title "100nF" with lines, \ "sim/" using 1:11 title "1uF" with lines